Chinook Captive Brood Program
In 2009, a mere 45 South Fork chinook returned to the Nooksack River to spawn. With the population at near-extinction levels the fishery co-managers, which are the Nooksack Tribe, Lummi Nation, and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, took the drastic step of capturing juvenile salmon, doing genetic testing on each one, and raising the true South Fork Chinook to adulthood.
South Fork Nooksack Cavanaugh Island Restoration
The South Fork Cavanaugh Island habitat restoration project is upstream of Dye’s Canyon, between River Mile 16.6 to 17.0. The project involves constructing 6 engineered log jams and 10 habitat log structures. Endangered early spring Chinook and bull trout will benefit from this project that is designed to enhance chinook habitat by maximizing natural habitat-forming processes inherent in this reach of the river.
North Fork Nooksack (Xwqelem) Wildcat Reach Phase 3
The Wildcat reach of the North Fork ranked highest among North Fork reaches in terms of restoration benefit. This project is phase 3 of a larger projected designed to 1) increase the low-flow connectivity and habitat diversity of Wildcat side channels and other floodplain habitats; and 2) increase channel stability and protect and encourage growth of maturing forested islands in the main channel.